Which data are important for paying via SEPA Direct Debit and what do
they mean?
CID (Creditor Identifier) is a unique identifier of the beneficiary (Creditor). The beneficiary shall ask for the CID assignment through its relationship manager in the bank. The CID is assigned by the administrator of the SEPA Direct Debit Creditors in the creditor’s country of residence; which is the NBS in the SR. It is not possible to carry out direct debit without an assigned CID.
Mandate is the consent with performance of SEPA Direct Debit, granted by the payer to the payment creditor through signature. On the basis of the mandate, the creditor is entitled to send the payment order for SEPA Direct Debit to the payer’s bank. The mandate must contain the UMR, payer’s IBAN/BIC, payer’s name and address, CID, beneficiary’s name and address, type of direct debit (one-off/recurring), scheme type (CORE/B2B), date of signature of the mandate, signatures.
UMR (Unique Mandate Reference) is the mandate reference, i.e. the unique identification (number, text, ...), which serves to uniquely identify the direct debit relation. UMR shall be provided by the creditor to the payer at the mandate signature.