Declaration on Privacy Protection, Policy on Protection of Privacy of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
(hereinafter as „Declaration“)
This privacy protection declaration provides the information on the method of processing and procedures of protection of data and information collected by UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky with its seat: Šancová 1/A, 813 33 Bratislava (hereinafter as „Bank“ only) by means of the internet page (hereinafter as „Bank’s Web Page“ only) on the Bank’s Web Page user (hereinafter referred to as „Data“ only). The conditions hereof hold for all the persons, entering to and/or using the Bank’s Web Page (hereinafter as „User“ only).
Declaration does not refer to information, documents and other data published on the Bank’s Web Page, provided by means of the Web Page or does not even refer to the actions taken by means of the Bank’s Web Page, binding for both the contractual parties under the agreement concluded between the Bank and the User upon conducting trade pursuant to special regulations, particularly pursuant to the legislation of the Slovak Republic treating the activities of the Bank.
In order to enhance the awareness of Users, the Bank’s Web Page can also contain links to third party internet sites. Clicking on one of those links will make the User leave the Bank’s Web Page. Bank checks neither the third party internet pages nor their privacy protection procedures, which might differ from those of the Bank. This Bank’s declaration does not refer to the data and information provided by the User to a third party or acquired or collected by third parties on the User by means of their web pages.
Bank’s Web Page Administrator
The Bankl operates the Bank’s Web Page by means of company Aston ITM spol. s r.o. with its seat at Nám. SNP 3, 811 06 Bratislava.
Processing of Data acquired and collected by means of the Bank’s Web Page is done in the seat of the Bank. Data are processed exclusively by the authorised persons of the Bank, while the authorisation accrues from work regulations, from the full powers or from an agreement concluded between the Bank and the mediator.
Data collected by means of the Bank’s Web Page
In most of the cases the User is allowed to browse through the Bank’s Web Page without providing his/her personal data pursuant to Act No.122 /2013 Coll. on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter as „Personal Data Protection Act“ only) (hereinafter also referred to as „Personal Data“ or „Data“ only ).
Despite this access into some sectors or sections of the Bank’s Web Page and/or the use thereof by the User for the purpose of utilization of some services provided by the Bank, the use of which by means of the Bank’s Web Page is allowed, can be conditioned by the Bank by providing some Personal Data or other Data about the Bank’s Web Page User and it is also possible that Bank’s providing of the service requested by the User will not be possible unless the concerned Personal Data and/or Data are provided to the Bank.
By the voluntary provision of any Personal Data or other Data by the User to the Bank by means of the Bank’s Web Page the User also provides to the Bank the approval of their use up to the extent and for the purposes for which the concerned Personal Data or other Data were provided by the User to the Bank by means of the Bank’s Web Page, particularly, but not only, for the purpose of pursue of the Bank’s entrepreneurial activities and/or for the purpose of administration and control of the Bank’s Web Page use, all that for the period necessary for accomplishing of the aforesaid purpose and the period of archiving pursuant to the legislation of the Slovak Republic or Bank’s internal regulations.
Apart from Data voluntarily provided by the User to the Bank by means of the Bank’s Web Page, the Bank is also allowed to collect the Data during User’s visit to the Bank’s Web Page by means of the tools used for automatic Data collection, including the cookies, protocols and other tools commonly used for collection of information in web pages.
Navigation Data Use
During the User’s log-in to the Bank’s Web Page, the Bank collects the log-in Data and the data on the computer of the Bank’s Web Page User, particularly, but not only, the IP address, type and browser set-up, computer type, operating system, User’s computer domains names, addresses of required resources, times of request, the method used for sending of the User’s request to the Bank’s web server, the size of the file acquired by the Used in reply from the Bank, the numeric code specifying the status of the reply provided by the Bank’s web server as well as other parameters relative to the User’s operating system. These Data are not the information according to which it would be possible to identify the Bank’s Web Page User pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act and are exclusively used for Bank’s statistical purposes in connection with the use and control of the Bank’s Web Page and for the purposes of Bank’s Web Page correct functioning control.
Cookie Files Use HERE
Conditions of processing of Data, collected by means of the Bank’s Web Page and security measures
Provided the Personal Data were provided by the User to the Bank by means of the Bank’s Web Page, those data are processed using the automated and non-automated tools in the Bank’s information system in compliance with the legislation of the Slovak Republic. The Data collected by means of the Bank’s Web page are protected by the Bank against illegal damage and destruction, occasional loss, modification, unauthorised access and accessing as well as against any other inadmissible forms of processing. For this purpose the appropriate technical, security and personnel measures have been adopted.
The security technology Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), serving the purpose of protection of Data provided by the User, is used by the Bank for the Data protection in those Bank’s Web Page sections, intended for particular services, provided by the Bank, when Personal Data or other Data can be requested from the Bank’s Web Page User. The SSL technology enciphers and encodes the Data collected by means of the Bank’s Web Page during the transfer thereof from the User’s computer and by the Bank’s central systems. The SSL use requires a compatible browser, able to allow for the „exchange“ of security keys of minimum 128 bits, enabling for the safe interconnection with the central systems of the Bank. The SSL protocol and its successor Transport Layer Security (TLS) enables to applications to communicate by means of the network, in order to enable prevention of wiretapping, manipulation and falsification of messages. SSL(TLS) provides the endpoint authentication and privacy of the internet communication by using the cryptographic tools. It is only the server which is authorised (it means that the identity thereof is ensured) while the client remains unauthorised.
Inquiries concerning the privacy protection and the policy on protection of privacy of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., Branch Office of a Foreign Bank web page can be forwarded by the Bank’s Web Page User to the following address:
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky
Šancová 1/A
813 33 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Information on Personal Data Processing
pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR) you will find HERE.