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Our Control Systems 

At UniCredit, the Internal Control System at Group-level consists of a set of rules, procedures and organisational structures with several goals: ensure that the corporate strategy is implemented, achieve effective and efficient corporate processes, protect the value of corporate assets, ensure the reliability and integrity of accounting and management data and ensure that operations comply with all the existing rules and regulations.

Learn more on the uniCreditGroup website.


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At UniCredit, our compensation approach has been consolidated over time, under Group governance, to comply with the latest national and international regulatory requirements. Our approach is closely connected to performance and market awareness, aligned with the strategy and shareholder interests.

Learn more on the UniCredit Group website.



Internal Dealing  

The UniCredit Board of Directors has approved the Internal Dealing Procedure ("Procedure") at Group-level, addressing the reporting duties and restrictions related to certain transactions in UniCredit shares and/or debt instruments as well as other financial instruments linked to "Relevant Persons" of UniCredit and persons closely associated with them.

Learn more on the uniCredit group website.


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For an overview of Correspondent banks used by UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky click here.

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