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About UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.

UniCredit Bank launched its activities in the domestic market on 5 November 2007. It was created through integration of two successful banking houses - HVB Bank and Živnostenská banka. Since December 2013, UniCredit Bank has been providing banking products and services in the Czech Republic and Slovakia under a common business name of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s. UniCredit Bank. It is a strong and rapidly developing bank offering a wide range of quality products to both corporate, private and retail clients.

UniCredit Bank is one of the strongest banks in the market in the area of project, structured and syndicated finance, corporate finance and export finance. The bank has also built an extraordinarily strong position in acquisition financing and ranks first in commercial real estate financing.

Among other services, UniCredit Bank’s clients can utilise services to obtain project financing from the EU structural funds offered through UniCredit Bank’s European Competence Centre. UniCredit Bank is part of UniCredit Group, which operates in 13 European countries. The latest stress test and quality control of UniCredit Group's assets confirmed its strong capital position. The capital ratios prove that UniCredit is one of the most resilient banks in Europe.

As a controlled entity, UniCredit Bank forms a group with its sole shareholder, UniCredit S.p.A. as a controlling entity. UniCredit Bank is the controlling entity vis-à-vis its subsidiaries.

History of the UniCredit Group

While the banking group’s history dates back as far as 1473, the year in which Rolo Banca was created, the contemporary history of UniCredit Group begins with the merger of nine leading Italian banks, subsequent integration with the German HVB Group and, most recently, with the Italian Capitalia. In 1999, acquisition of Bank Pekao of Poland launched the Group’s expansion (at that time, under the name UniCredito Italiano) into Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Growth continued over the next few years with purchase of the Pioneer Investments Group, the subsequent formation of Pioneer Global Asset Management, and then further strategic acquisitions gradually carried out in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, the Czech Republic and Turkey.

In 2005, UniCredit merged with the German group HVB, which had itself been formed in 1998 by the joining of two Bavarian banks: Bayerische Vereinsbank and Bayerische Hypotheken-und Wechsel-Bank. The result was a single, major European bank. Integration with the HVB Group – reinforced by its own merger in 2000 with Bank Austria Creditanstalt, which was strongly represented in many areas of post-communist “new” Europe – creating a basis for UniCredit Group to continue strengthening its European focus.

By merging in 2007 with Capitalia, the third-largest Italian banking group, UniCredit Group further consolidated and strengthened its position in one of its most important markets, Italy. Capitalia had been established in 2002 from the integration of two previously independent entities, the Bancaroma group (itself the result of a merger between some of the oldest Roman banks: Banco di Santo Spirito, Cassa di Risparmio di Roma and Banco di Roma) and the Bipop-Carire Group.

With its balance sheet results ranking among the top financial groups in Europe, UniCredit has a direct presence in 17 countries as well as representative offices in 50 other markets, with over 40 million clients, more than 8,500 branches and some 147,000 employees.


Our Governance System 

At UniCredit, our corporate governance system is based on ethics and transparency. Thanks to constant dialogue with our stakeholders, we lead in terms of applying the best international corporate governance practices in order to create sustainable value for our company, customers, employees, shareholders and the countries in which we operate.

Learn more on the UniCredit Group website.



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Articles of Association and Code of Ethics 

At UniCredit, we constantly encourage all of our employees, external associates and business partners to pursue business objectives in accordance with the law and the principles of transparency, informed management and business ethics.

Learn nore about the UniCredit Group website.


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