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3D Secure is a modern and secure way to verify card payments online. 3D Secure is available on all types of payment cards and its use is completely free of charge for all card holders via so-called push notifications in the Smart Banking mobile app or in its corporate version Business Smart Banking from UniCredit Bank.

The most common reasons why you get no push notifications:


3DSecure platba

  1. When you choose the card payment in an e-shop, you (card holder) will receive a push notification in the selected mobile application installed in your mobile phone asking you to authorise the payment.
  2. By clicking on the push notification delivered, you will be automatically re-directed to the payment authentication screen in the Smart Banking application.
  3. You will authorise the card payment in the same manner you use for payments in the Smart Banking application, that is by using biometric data (e.g. fingerprint) or the PIN code.
  4. After successfully verifying a payment in the mobile banking application, continue to complete the payment and purchase on the internet.


Download Smart Banking to your mobile phone.


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Download Business Smart Banking to your mobile phone.      




If you use Online Banking:

  1. In your on-line banking, go to: account details (account details) –  (mobile services) – Smart Banking or Business Smart Banking.
  2. We will send you an SMS with activation codes (please note that the activation codes will be sent to you on the next business day).
  3. Open the application in your mobile phone and activate it using the User Number for the on-line banking and the SMS codes.

If you do not use on-line banking, you may call our Infoline at +421 2 6920 2090, visit any of our branch offices or contact your banker to activate Smart Banking.

More information about activation of the application is available on our web site in the Smart Banking or Business Smart Banking section.



If you do not wish to use any of the selected mobile applications, you should choose a payment method other than the card payment for your on-line purchases.




What is push notification in the Smart Banking mobile application?

  • It is a notification the card holder uses to authorise card payments in e-shops displayed in the card holder's mobile phone or in the Smart Banking application. Please note that notifications are always used only to confirm an outgoing transaction and not to credit money to your account.


What if I do not have an account at UniCredit Bank, only a payment card?

  • In such event, we recommend that you set up the Smart Banking application at any UniCredit Bank branch offices. This way, you will be able to continue to use the card for secure payments in e-shops.


What if I do not receive an authentication notification for card payment to my mobile phone?

  • First, make sure that you are really shopping in an e-shop supporting 3D Secure tool. Purchases from e-shops not supporting the 3D Secure tool are not authenticated by way of push notifications in the Smart Banking application.
  • If you did not receive a push notification in the Smart Banking application to authorise the payment, check your connection to the Internet and try to cancel the payment and then repeat it.
  • If the push notification is delivered to a phone number other than the expected number, contact our Infoline at +421 2 6920 2090 or visit any of our branch offices and apply for a phone number change.


What if I use several cards (personal/business) for on-line payments, but I only have one mobile phone?

  • If you have the Smart Banking or application, the push notification will be sent to your mobile phone irrespective of the payment card you have chosen for the payment in the e-shop.


What should I do when my card was lost or stolen?

  • If you have lost your payment card, you should block it immediately so it cannot be used anymore. To block the card, call the Infoline at +421 2 6920 2090.
  • The Infoline will immediately block the card with you to prevent any abuse and agree on the issuance of a new payment card.


What should I do when my mobile phone was lost?

  • If your mobile phone is lost, please use the standard channels to contact your mobile operator.
  • Please, make sure that you have not also lost your payment card along with your phone. If yes, you need to block the card via our Infoline +421 2 6920 2090.


Are you afraid that the payment card data could be stolen on the Internet?

  • With the 3D Secure payment at an e-shop, the sensitive data of the payment card are only provided to the bank which authorises your payment.


Can I refuse the use of the new 3D Secure tool on my card?

  • Use of the new 3D Secure tool to authorise on-line card payments is mandatory for all card holders.
  • If you do not wish to use the Smart Banking or application to authorise on-line payments, we recommend that you choose a payment method other than the card payment for your on-line purchases.


Can I register multiple phone numbers for one payment card or use Smart Banking application for multiple cards?

  • Unfortunately no, you may register only one phone number for one card. On the contrary, you may authorise payments made by any of your payment cards within a single Smart Banking application.


Can I use on-line card payment for e-shops do not support the 3D Secure tool?

  • The only requirement for on-line purchases is to have 3D Secure on-line payments enabled on your card.


How do I recognise a trustworthy e-shop?

  • Only use the card on sites using the SSL protocol to secure data transmission – the browser's address bar will display https:// and a padlock icon.
  • However, it is not possible to warrant maximum possible security with e-shops, and therefore always prefer e-shops which support the 3D Secure technology. Such an e-shop bears the following logos:

    Visa karta | UniCredit Bank - přední strana
    Visa karta | UniCredit Bank - zadní strana


How long do push notifications last?

  • Push notifications last 5 minutes from delivery. When the push notification disappears or the related purchase expires, the card holder needs to repeat the purchase or card payment in the relevant e-shop.

Can I confirm payments using a root / jailbreak device?

  • 3DS Push authentication on a root (and otherwise "suspicious") device is expressly prohibited by the European Union's Payment Services Directive. Therefore, 3DS payments cannot be confirmed on the root device.

Which payment card data is entered in the on-line payment process?

  • The mandatory data during on-line card payment include the card number and expiry date and the security CVC2/CVV2 code (the three digits in the signature area on the back of the card).
  • If the e-shop supports the 3D Secure tool, you will be asked to authorise the card payment by way of a push notification in the Smart Banking application.


What kind of a card can I use for on-line payments with 3D Secure tool?

  • You may use any of our Visa or Mastercard cards. All debit and credit cards issued by UniCredit Bank support the new 3D Secure service.
  • You may make card payments on the Internet with all UniCredit Bank payment cards with on-line payments enabled and sufficient limit for on-line payments set by the owner. The settings can easily be changed or checked in on-line banking, in the Smart Banking mobile application, or by calling Infoline at +421 2 6920 2090.


Is the payment card already active for on-line payments when delivered?

  • Due to security reasons, all new payment cards are automatically issued inactive for any use.
  • You may activate it via the ATM by checking the balance or withdrawing money, or you may call UniCredit Bank's Infoline +421 2 6920 2090.




  • Our application follows the highest security standards.
  • Thanks to plentitude of security features, the mobile application is very well protected against cyber attacks.
  • The entire communication with the bank going through the application is encrypted.
  • The Smart Banking application is connected directly with your mobile phone and no sensitive information is being stored.
  • All your logins and authorisations of payments in the application are protected by the PIN code (for the Smart Banking application), fingerprint or the Face ID technology.
  • The PIN code (for the Smart Banking application) is unique, because you choose it yourself and it must consist of 6 to 8 digits.
  • If incorrect PIN code (for the Smart Banking application) is entered 3 times in a row, the user is blocked.
  • Logout takes place automatically after 3 minutes of your inactivity.
  • The maximum amount you may send via the on-line banking is EUR 3,300 (this limit does not apply to on-line card payments).
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