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Legislative Accounts

Basic Banking Product

Who the product is intended for

UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky Bratislava, (the “Bank”) provides a consumer client with banking services in the scope of a basic banking account, provided:

  • He/she is over 18 years of age at the time of applying;
  • He/she applies in writing at the Bank for the provision of a basic banking product;
  • At the time of applying for the provision of a basic banking product, he/she has no payment account opened other than a deposit account, a financial deposit confirmed by a deposit book, or except for the receipt of deposits in the form of a savings programme, namely saving with a payment card or saving by a one-off or regular transfer of funds;
  • At the time of applying for the provision of a basic banking product, he/she has no net monthly income over EUR 400.

During the period of provision of the basic banking product by the Bank, the consumer must not open another payment account, save for a deposit account, financial deposit confirmed by a deposit book in a bank or foreign bank branch, or except for the receipt of deposits in the form of a savings programme, namely saving with a payment card or saving by a one-off or regular transfer of funds.


Product parameters
  • Opening, keeping and cancellation of a payment account
  • Unlimited number of payment operations in EUR in the Slovak Republic by
    • Depositing funds in cash into a payment account at a place where the Bank operates
    • Withdrawing funds in cash from a payment account
      • Without using an international debit payment card at a place where the Bank operates
      • By international debit payment card via ATMs from the Bank’s network
    • By cashless transfer of funds from a payment account or to a payment account, by credit transfer, including a standing order for credit transfer or by direct debit, including a standing order for direct debit
      • At a place where the Bank operates
      • Through technical equipment allowing for remote access to a payment account
    • By cashless transfer of funds using an international debit payment card with a person who accepts payment cards
  • Issuance of one international debit card and each automatic renewal after its expiration.



The fee for a basic banking product is EUR 0 per month.

Out-of-court dispute resolution

You can file your complaint

  • Orally at branches of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky Bratislava
  • In writing at: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky, Útvar Riadenie kvality služieb (Service Quality Management Unit), Šancová 1/A, 813 33 Bratislava
  • By phone via UniCredit Bank customer service or
  • By electronic mail through the contact form at

The Bank usually handles complaints within 30 days of filing, no later than 6 months in complex cases.

  • In addition to filing a complaint or a claim, you can also use the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of the Slovak Banking Association to resolve disputes out of court. The Slovak Banking Association's rules for alternative dispute resolution can be found on the website:
  • Also, you can make use of the possibility of bringing a legal complaint to a consumer arbitration court or a general court of the Slovak Republic. If you wish to resolve potential disputes through consumer arbitration court, being the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Slovak Banking Association, seated at: Slovak Banking Association – SRS, Rajská 15/A, 811 08 Bratislava, website:, electronic communication address:, you can choose this option by signing a contract on a consumer arbitration procedure, the draft of which will be presented to you no later than upon conclusion of the contractual documentation.

The supervisory body is the National Bank of Slovakia, seated at Imricha Karvaša 1, 813 25 Bratislava.

Effect: This Information enters into force on 1 February 2016.

Payment account with basic functions (standard account)

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