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onemarkets Fund
  • The world's largest asset management companies

  • One-off and regular investments

  • Unique solutions by UniCredit Group

Regular Investments

Regular investment programs starting from EUR 20 per month.

Effectively evaluate your finances in the long run

Would you like to invest, but do not have a larger sum of money available for a one-off investment? No problem! You can also invest smaller amounts on a regular basis, for example, from as little as 20 EUR/USD per month. This will gradually build up a financial reserve that you can use for whatever you need. You can choose from a wide selection offered by the onemarkets Fund.


Why should you invest regularly?

  • Opportunity for attractive returns with the potential to mitigate the impact of inflation
  • You can start with small amounts, e.g. from 20 EUR/USD per month
  • Wide range of funds with different regional focus and strategies
  • Flexibility - you can change the amount of your investment, discontinue it or start again at any point in time
  • The money you have invested is available to you within a few days, depending on your needs, with no exit fees
  • You can easily track your investments in the Smart Banking mobile app


How to arrange a regular investment

Stop by any of our branches for more information. You can then manage your investments yourself from the comfort of your own home, directly in the Smart Banking mobile app.


Interested in learning more? Please contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer your questions via our Infoline on +421 2 6920 2090.


This website is just informative, and it cannot be considered as a prospect, statute or contract proposal. It does not represent individual investment advice or investment recommendation considering individual situation of an investor. Moreover, this website represents only a non-binding translation of the Slovak version of the information. If any contradiction between various language versions occurs, the Slovak version is the definitive version for interpreting the relevant provisions.

The rates, prices, yields, appreciation, performance or other parameters achieved by each financial instrument in the past may not in any case serve as an indicator or warranty of future rates, prices, yields, appreciation, performance or other parameters of such or similar financial instrument. Investor further bears a credit risk of a financial instrument issuer. Financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies are also exposed to fluctuations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates, which may have both a positive and a negative effect, in particular on their rates, prices, appreciation or proceeds from them. Investment options mentioned in this document may not correspond with identified target market of an investor and may not be suitable or appropriate.

Further information on related risks, provider of investment services, investment services in offer and investor´s protection is available in document Investment services at UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky. It is recommended to investors to acquaint before investing with statute or prospect of a fund and legal aspects of investing into financial instruments. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with your respective contact point at the Bank.

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