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Additional insurance

Travel insurance TRAVEL Basic and TRAVEL Plus

The travel insurance nagotiated alongside your payment card is appreciated on both private and business trips abroad. Travel insurance with excess insurance limits will provide insurance cover worldwide.


Product advantages:

  • High insurance limits by type of payment card
  • Insurance is valid for cardholders without age limit
  • Insurance for winter and summer sports is an automatic part of insurance
  • You are insured for up to 90 days after you travel abroad
  • Insurance is valid worldwide and the number of journeys is not limited
  • Allianz Travel insurance terms and conditions


If you do not already have insurance, you can arrange it at all branches of UniCredit Bank or via an extension + 421 2 6920 2090

Insurance of cards and personal belongings

The SAFE insurance offers you comprehensive insurance protection against, for example, damage, theft, loss or fraudulent use of a payment card, identity documents or personal belongings, as well as Internet purchase protection, which you will appreciate if you receive damage to goods. The insurance covers insurance events occurring all over the world.


Product advantages :

  • Broad insurance coverage
  • Protection of cash, mobile phone, keys and documents
  • Protection of purchased goods in online shops and related legal aid
  • Without the participation of the holder of the payment card
  • Persons over 15 years of age may be insured.
  • Insurance offers comprehensive insurance protection, in particular for medical


Two options for SAFE insurance:

  • Basic with a cumulative insurance limit of EUR 1 600 / span >
  • Plus a cumulative insurance limit of EUR 4 000


If you do not already have insurance, you can arrange it at all branches of UniCredit Bank and Sky via +421 2 6920 2090.

Insurance of the ability to repay a Mortgage Loan

Take out insurance for your Mortgage Loan and protect yourself in the event of unexpected life situations. In the event of critical circumstances which could negatively affect your life, insurance company will ensure that the consequences of such circumstances are mitigated.

Benefits you get:

  • A fast and easy way of insuring your loan in UniCredit Bank
  • A simplified examination of your health
  • Attractive coverage
  • In the case of loss of income, you do not have to spend your savings
  • A unique concept of insurance only available through UniCredit Bank

Generali will repay for you:p>

  • the full amount of the loan for you in the event of death, total permanent disability or award of the ŤZP (severe health disability requiring a guide) card;
  • your instalments in the event of incapacity for work or involuntary unemployment;
  • the amount of 9 times the instalment in a single payment if you are diagnosed with one of the selected types of cancer.


To meet your needs, we have prepared 3 insurance sets from which you will definitely choose.



Unique security for your housing loan throughout the loan repayment period.




Repayment of outstanding housing loan balance

Magdaléna, a 47-year-old woman, decided to take out an 18-year housing loan in the amount of EUR 41,200 with insurance covering death, disability/ŤZP (severe health disability requiring a guide) card and incapacity for work for more than 30 days. Almost two years after drawing down the loan, she was suddenly hospitalised due to a persistent irritating cough. Examinations revealed cancer. Two months later, the disease progressed so much that Magdaléna died. Generali insurance company repaid the outstanding housing loan balance.

Insurance of the ability to repay a general-purpose loan

Take out insurance for your consumer loan and protect yourself in the event of unexpected life situations. In the event of critical circumstances which could negatively affect your life, insurance company will ensure that the consequences of such circumstances are mitigated.

Benefits you get:

  • a fast and easy way of insuring your loan in UniCredit Bank
  • A simplified examination of your health
  • Attractive coverage
  • In the case of loss of income, you do not have to spend your savings
  • A unique concept of insurance available only through UniCredit Bank

Generali will repay for you:

  • the full amount of the loan for you in the event of death, total permanent disability or award of the ŤZP (severe health disability requiring a guide) card;
  • your instalments in the event of incapacity for work or involuntary unemployment;
  • the amount of 9 times the instalment if you are diagnosed with one of the selected types of cancer.


To meet your needs, we have prepared 3 insurance sets from which you will definitely choose.



In the case of consumer credit insurance, you will have your repayments under control for the entire duration of the credit.




Repayment of loan instalments in the event of incapacity for work

Renáta, a young 33-year-old woman, took out a consumer credit in the amount of EUR 10,000 for 10 years with consumer credit insurance covering death, disability/ŤZP (severe health disability requiring a guide) card and incapacity for work for more than 30 days. As she was collecting her luggage from the back of her parked car, another driver hit her car when backing up and not paying enough attention. Renáta fell, suffering a serious spinal injury, which made her incapable of work for a long time. Generali repays loan instalments in lieu of Renáta for up to a maximum of 12 months.

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